Spring is a wonderful time for children to learn. Around every corner the world around them is changing. Our goal is to allow the children to experience an outdoor classroom experience when outside playing within nature. It is important for children to explore the world around them.
At our child care program, we provide the children a variety of experiences outdoors, including planting a vegetable garden and observing the process of the planted seeds growing into plants that then produce food. As the children dig in the dirt they also discover what plants need to grow, and uncover a world of insects and worms.
This year the children are also experimenting with the aesthetics of flowers by working collaboratively to create a rainbow garden. A recent field trip to the local greenhouse allowed them the opportunity to learn more about flowers and select the colors for the rainbow garden. When children are able to learn through hands on experiences their learning becomes more meaningful and personal, which encourages children to become life long learners.
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